At the start of the year, we announced in our 2024 Tibles Roadmap that we’d be doing a rebalancing of the economies across our OneShots, Sk8tibles, and Tibles Fraggle Rock apps.
So, we set out to do three things:
Burn half of all unsold inventory.
Convert all standard edition sets to limited edition.
Lower pack prices.
Burn, Baby, Burn!
Long NFT story short, our collections have excess supply. Crafting helps, but we feel burning unsold inventory is needed.
On Friday February 9th, we burned 50% of all unsold inventory for each set in the Sk8tibles, Tibles Fraggle Rock, and OneShots apps, starting with the highest serial numbers. For example, let’s say one card had a total count of 1,000 and 500 have been sold. We burned 250 of the remaining 500 cards. Again, the cards chosen for burning had the highest serial numbers (i.e. all the 3-digit serial, then 2-digit, etc).
The end effect of this is that all owned collectibles are now rarer and all unopened packs contain lower serials. You'll also now notice that the denominator for owned collectibles has decreased as the total mint for each set has decreased. This makes for some funny-looking serials like #1243/567 #sorrynotsorry. You can find the original mint information by swiping up on an item and looking at the Details section.
From now on, all new Tibles sets will have lower mint counts.

Total burned NFTs: 603,557.
Mint No More!
All of the Standard Edition sets in Sk8tibles, Tibles Fraggle Rock, and OneShots are now Limited Edition. This means no more will be minted, supply is capped.
If you recall, Standard Edition sets are minted in batches (series 1, 2, 3 etc) and Limited Edition sets are minted once and never again.
Lower Prices!
Over the past couple of months, we ran flash pack Fridays with lower priced packs. These prices are now permanent!
What's up next on the Tibles Roadmap?
Updates on the Tibles app and TIBL marketplace
Account Linking
OneShots Creator Series
TIBL Token